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The Transform & Thrive Club

Veteran coach Helen Lee will expertly support you to transform & thrive through these times & move towards becoming a Master Manifestor through raising your vibrations and leading a joyous life!

She will do so via monthly live Zoom video sessions where she facilitates breakthroughs for you, in full collaboration with you and as deeply and profoundly, as you allow her to do so.

*** Helen & her special guests, other change makers impacting the world, will help you reinvent yourself, your life & work, positively impacting your wellbeing at all levels, including financial & work/business goals.

*** We made it easy for you to be powerfully supported at only US$97 a month & you can stop subscribing any time! Scroll down to see sample topics & more of what you will be receiving on your Return to the Wholeness and True Greatness that you are!

Write to us at enquiries@leeheiss.com to know the day and time for each month-end session.

Order Summary
The Transform & Thrive Club

THE GOLDEN GLOBE IS THE KEY TO MASTERY CREATED BY HELEN LEE as an integral part of her unique ontological coaching & leadership methodology. In a series of multimedia coaching & live sessions, you will learn about this powerful tool &:

1. How to use it to be your Greatest Self & create the results that you want in all areas of your life, at all levels - physical, emotional, mental, energetic & spiritual.

2. How to create BOTH material results including financial or/& organisational & totally personal & intangible outcomes.

3. Understand who you really are, and how to come into a powerful alignment within yourself so that you can be your happiest, wisest & most masterful Self capable of creating all that matters greatly to you.

4. How to use it to have & enjoy wellness at all levels & be strong, healthy & clear with an ever-increasing creative power.

5. Above all, how to go beyond all blocks & challenges that show up within yourself & your personal & work life & be free & in your own personal power.


1. Return to the Wholeness & True Greatness that you are.

2. Transform deeply & truly thrive at a pace that is right for you & in collaboration with your own Inner Wisdom & True Power, & in alignment with Higher Intelligence.

3. Be your most Authentic Self, your Greatest Self.

4. Keep growing & flourishing on this path. In addition to these masterclasses, you will be invited to follow-on programs & courses conducted by Helen &/or her guests, which are optional & will be specially discounted for members.

5. Enjoy & love life, as you learn to increasingly love & honour yourself & do what you love. You will also be invited to all our other events which we will create with your thriving in mind.

WHO MATTERS MOST IN YOUR LIFE? HOW MUCH DO YOU MATTER? HOW DO YOU TREAT YOURSELF? In a series of multimedia coaching &/or live sessions, learn how to:

1. Love & honour yourself greatly, & be much happier.

2. Be lovingly yet totally honest with yourself, in order to be in your true power.

3. Support yourself to systematically & progressively shift, without the need to push or fix yourself but with complete acceptance, non-judgment & love.

4. Keep your word, promises & commitments to yourself & be there for yourself always, in a way that helps you rise & be your Greatest Self.

5. Love & honour others greatly, without any agenda, as a result of loving & honouring yourself greatly.

CONTINUE YOUR LESSONS OF LOVING & HONOURING YOURSELF & LEARN HOW TO RAISE YOUR DQ™️ OR "DESERVABILITY QUOTIENT™️", YOUR ABILITY TO FEEL DESERVING & CHANGE YOUR LIFE! In a series of live sessions, multimedia coaching &/or whenever Helen conducts a DQ™️ Challenge (you will be invited), learn about this fundamental human issue & how to raise your DQ™️:

1. Be committed to loving & honouring yourself totally & deeply as a life-long spiritual practice that will lead to great success & fulfilment in all areas of life.

2. Look at how we have compromised ourselves & put others first, at our own expense & how to not do this anymore, without feeling guilty or being narcissistic & thoughtless.

3. Gain greater awareness of self, what we need to give to ourselves, how we can overcome our old habits & inclination to overlook ourselves, and instead, create a balance between taking excellent care of ourselves & others we love & who matter to us.

4. Support self to systematically & progressively shift, without the need to push or fix self but with complete acceptance, non-judgment & love.

5. Keep our word to ourselves & be there for ourselves always.

6. Love & honour others greatly.

Come from love & power simultaneously

FOR US TO TRULY LOVE & HONOUR OURSELVES, WE NEED TO KNOW HOW TO COME FROM LOVE & POWER SIMULTANEOUSLY! In a series of multimedia coaching &/or live sessions, learn about the importance of this & how to move towards spontaneously & naturally doing this:

1. Understand why it is vital to move towards being both our most loving as well as most powerful Self at the same time.

2. Understand that different energies sit in different parts of our body & energy field & serve different purposes & learn more about it.

3. Learn how to move towards having all these energy centres align & become a seamless whole, supporting your own Return to Wholeness & your loving power.

4. Learn how to regularly cleanse, clear, nourish & expand your heart & solar plexus centres, and increasingly come from love & power simultaneously.

FOR US TO TRULY THRIVE, WE NEED TO TRULY TRANSFORM. AND TO TRULY TRANSFORM, WE NEED TO COME INTO BALANCE & HARMONY WITHIN OURSELVES. Learn why this is the case, how crucial it is for all of humanity & our planet, & how to do this well, via a series of multimedia coaching & live sessions where deep shifts can be facilitated:

1. Learn why balance & harmony within ourselves & in our lives are key elements for our true thriving.

2. Learn how this leads to un-conflicted behaviour, better & healthier choices & a different world that supports our own wellbeing & the wellbeing of all.

3. Understand how greater balance & harmony within ourselves leads to greater balance & harmony in our lives & greater power to create the lives & results we want - personal & business, intangible & material, including our own financial wellbeing & business or organisational profits.

4. Learn how to increasingly create balance & harmony within ourselves & in our lives.


1. Helen offers you regular in-depth knowledge on these topics through monthly multimedia coaching and live sessions where you experience first hand all that is covered in the monthly coaching via video, audio, slides and articles.

2. Should you need a complete immersion in any particular subject such as being your Invincible Self, Abundance Mastery or Creating Conscious Relationships, she can organise courses or workshops for you, which she will conduct herself or with others as well. These optional add-on courses or workshops will be at discounted fees, as mentioned under the Masterclass segment above.

3. Helen plans to conduct "Invincible You!™️ - The Hero's Journey" at least twice a year, for instance. And members will be invited to the free Masterclass introducing this particular powerful program which she specially created in response to these times.

4. Invincible You!™️ is the group version of our foundational program The Path of The Invincible You!™️.

And in The Transform & Thrive Club, you will learn a great deal about this in the multimedia coaching as well as first hand, through the live sessions about:

How to be your Invincible Self, the Hero or Heroine, the True Self that you already are & only need to access & fully align with, more & more. And much more.

Sign Up Here now!